Dr. Nicki Charles

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Dr. Nicki Charles
Director of Int'l Student Programs
Duke University

Dr. Nicki Charles is the Director of Duke University’s Summer College/Academy/STEM programs for High School Students.

Prior to joining Duke Summer Session, Dr. Charles developed programs around the world for 8 years at Duke’s Talent Identification Program.  Dr. Charles brings a unique perspective to international program development as she has worked in international education for over 18 years in Finland, the Czech Republic, China and Egypt and has created over 24 programs in many international locations. 

Summer Session has been a feature of Duke University's summer months for almost 100 years. In recent years approximately 1,500 undergraduates enroll in one or more on-campus courses each summer in order to get ahead academically. While summer courses are just as rigorous as they are during the regular academic year, the atmosphere is more relaxed and classes are small in size. Year after year, students highly praise their Duke Summer Session experience as providing the opportunity to explore their academic interests more deeply, focus their attention on just one or two subjects, and immerse themselves in their coursework while taking full advantage of Duke and Durham cultural experiences.  We are delighted to welcome high school students from around the world to participate in both Summer College and Summer Academy for High School Students. 

Duke’s Summer Academy for High School Students, a three-week, non-credit-bearing program offered by Duke University, attracts students who represent the next generation of leaders from around the world.  Immerse yourself in an international experience by enrolling in this elite program designed to provide the academic and residential environment to gain a global perspective on multiple areas of interest for young leaders.

Duke’s STEM Academy for High School Students, a one-week , non-credit-bearing program offered by Duke University, provides students the opportunity to see the "behind-the-scenes" look at Duke’s premier research labs.  Students also conduct labs at Duke Gardens and learn from faculty in the School of Medicine.


Meet Nicki at the US College Expo in Toronto.